



BersamaMU mobile application, Together with Undaan Eyes. The right choice to stay healthy, With Undaan Eyes!The BersamaMU mobile application provides comfort and peace of mind in undergoing health services at health facilities under the auspices of PT. Together with Mata Undaan (BMU), faster and more optimally.Various features to enjoy:Online RegistrationMaking registration for inspection according to the type of service desired, is now even easier. Adjust the service options according to your needs, including: Executive Polyclinic, Premium Polyclinic, Regular Polyclinic and General Practitioner Polyclinic.Online ConsultationDoctor appointment service via video call connection. This service will make it easier for patients who need consultation at any time, just from home.LASIK – SMILE ProAn excellent service with the latest technology, SMILE Pro is here to make it easier for patients who want to be free from glasses and contact lenses with a method that is more minimally invasive and provides comfort in a short time.Monitor Queues, Schedule Control & OperationsQueue numbers are monitored from anywhere and at any time, so patients can arrange their arrival time.Drug Process TrackingPatients can track the status of preparing prescription drugs that will be received simply from the mobile application device.